If you are a rescue or a rescue foster with lots of animals, you should be aware animal control authorities in NC like to stage their raids on Friday evenings.
There are several strategic reasons they do this and you need to be prepared. The main advantage to this timing is that it will be very difficult for you to contact a lawyer until Monday, and if you have one it will be very difficult for that lawyer to take any legal action to help you. That means they will have all weekend to pressure you and/or kill your animals.
There's not much you can do, as they will choose the timing of their raids. But you can at least be as prepared as possible to mitigate the damage.
If you are someone who may be vulnerable to animal control raids (and if you have a lot of animals on your property this is the case, even if you know your conditions are good and legal) you should have an attorney already. And you should have a way to contact that attorney outside normal business hours and that attorney should be willing to respond to you then. Ideally this attorney will have the contact information for police and animal control supervisors in your jurisdiction. Even more ideally this attorney would be prepared to take immediate legal action to protect you and your animals.
We know that's asking a lot of an attorney and is not free. But there are dedicated animal loving attorneys out there that you can work with. We know it may be hard to find one, but you should be looking for one NOW, because if you think it's hard to find that attorney now, wait until you are in duress and stress after being raided.
But also, be wary on Friday evenings. Do not let your guard down. You are particularly vulnerable if you are winding down from a tough week and looking to relax, and then animal control calls about a "friendly visit" or knocks on your door.
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